What a great day! As we head closer to
ThorntonFest 2011 my wife and I are crafting a large inventory of goods that we are hoping people will enjoy having as much as we enjoy making them. Every day we gain new ideas and make new things with our God-given hands. Here are some samples of some chain bracelets:
These colors seem familiar... |
If I have time I will make some other team colored bracelets for men and women. We are very excited to meet people and if we hand out 100 business cards Saturday we're calling that the start of a big success.
My wife got this to help us with our business:
Want to dance? |
The great story about this dress size helper is the story about its cost and how we found it. These fancy stands run about $260US after taxes. We prayed about it and waited on God's time for an answer. A few days later my wife is in a local fabric store and she's checking out clearance items. Lo and behold, here's the dress size helper, claiming to be damaged. After she checks it, we talk about it and go look at it together. There was a broken neck mount for an alternate neck size adjuster, and an internal flex bar had come off its spot weld. We bought it, and after putting a machine screw and bolt in place of the busted spot weld, it works like a champ. Final cost: $62.
There were so many other blessings on us this last week, and I hope you see and know all yours throughout all your days. Life is good, God is awesome!
Love it...love it and love it. Great blog. Thanks